The Emptiest Fight

Two nights ago, I picked a fight with my husband. Or maybe my hormones did? What I wanted to convey to him was that I needed more support. I wanted him to make this waiting easier. The fear of the pain became too much for me and I wanted someone to blame. Really, I needed […]


Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise! Our Transfer went smoothly and it was a beautiful moment shared between me and my husband. We were given a picture of our little one and told it was already hatching and looking for a uterus and then we got to see it in real-time on a large screen as our […]

Here’s to Hope!

It has felt like smooth sailing on the IVF front in our household. We have had only positive feedback about my ultrasounds and blood work. It has been wonderful. We have a Transfer in 3 days. I’ve been contemplating for days what to write on here. There are so many feelings. Mostly, I feel unbelievably […]