*Below is a compilation of gratitude from each blog post…making this a practice each time I write.
October 16, 2018 – I am grateful for my son’s laughter. It is a sound that builds my confidence and eases my worries.
July 6, 2018 – I am grateful for my baby boy. And for friends and family who are helping us get through this alarmingly challenging time in his development.
May 11, 2018 – I am grateful for my beautiful, witty, empathetic, precocious daughter and the past five years that I’ve spent growing and learning with her. We teach each other. We love each other.
April 25, 2018 – I am grateful to feel my son moving inside of my body.
February 14, 2018 – I am grateful for my family.
February 9, 2018 – I am grateful for my son.
November 10, 2017 – I am grateful to be pregnant and to be able to share that joy with the people who walked through hell with me to get to this point.
September 12, 2017 – I am grateful to have my husband to fight with. And not the ’empty’ kind of fighting. The fight that we are in together. For our family and for each other. We are stronger together.
September 11, 2017 – I am grateful to have a beautiful embryo inside of me. I keep his/her picture with me and continue to send it love.
September 2, 2017 – I am grateful for my body. It has impressed me beyond my wildest dreams with what it can withstand.
August 21, 2017 -Today, I am grateful for my family of 3. I know we are not complete, but I am grateful for everything we are. We love to laugh, explore, learn, and love each other exactly as we are.
August 7, 2017 – I am grateful for my husband and my mom who have truly endured my hardest of heartaches over this past month of uncertainty with regards to my health. Their strength and persistence propel me forward and soothe my broken heart.
July 24, 2017 – Today, I am grateful for my 4-year-old daughter and the incredible person she is. When I think of her, I feel her warmth and silliness, and also her deep connection to people and the world around her. She lights up most rooms she walks into and I am proud to be her mother.
July 5, 2017 – I am grateful for the incredible science that allows us this opportunity to try to become parents again. It is humbling and truly amazing to have this technology available to us.
June 30, 2017: I am grateful that we were able to make 3 embryos. No matter the outcome, it feels encouraging to know we can do that small, yet miraculous thing.
June 21, 2017: I am grateful for my family and friends who have supported us through the past couple of weeks more so than ever before. I love getting calls, texts, cards, flowers, emails, meals, etc. as people demonstrate their love and compassion for what we’re going through.
June 14, 2017: I am grateful that my body is responding well to my shots and for the incredible support I am receiving from my family, friends, and neighbors. I am truly grateful.
June 7, 2017: Today, I am extremely grateful for a friend/family member who turned my head in the direction of a Ted Radio Hour podcast that was extremely inspiring and insightful. My heart feels lighter from having listened to various brave and dedicated people discuss topics such as; altruism, forgiveness, and endurance.
May 17, 2017: I am grateful for a beautiful Mother’s Day celebration with my family this past weekend. I felt loved and celebrated and immersed in a very real (and challenging) side of motherhood where I often find my 3-year-old daughter struggling with limits and boundaries as she finds her voice. Her struggle is my reminder of how important my role is as her mother.
May 10, 2017: Today, I am grateful for my little Starbucks that is just down the street from our home. I sit here and I wrestle with my thoughts and feelings and sometimes they come together and form mostly coherent sentences that becomes my writing. I create in this space. I like that this place is here and that it is constant and predictable. Those things soothe me right now.
May 3, 2017: I am grateful for my daughter’s teachers. Three mornings a week my daughter attends pre-school and I am beyond grateful to know that she is with adults who care about her and have the patience and training to guide her within a school setting.
April 27, 2017: Today, I am grateful for this blog. I have had some new readers and subscribers as I shared my writing with others and the messages of support and understanding are beautiful.
April 26, 2017: I am grateful for my daughter. I know she is a miracle and I do not take her life for granted. I constantly joke with my husband (mostly when he’s throwing her high into the air) by saying, ‘Please, be careful with her, those are really hard to make!’ Now, more than ever I am aware of just how uniquely sacred her existence is. How she came to be, I will never fully understand.
April 10, 2017: I am grateful for this time I have to myself while my daughter is in preschool. It allows me the ability to be present in my life and to take care of myself.
April 5, 2017: I am extremely grateful for my health. I am grateful that I can walk, practice yoga, cook, sleep, play with my daughter, nestle into my husband’s shoulder, and sit in front of a computer to type this. Hearing about my mother-in-law’s injuries and the pain she is in makes me doubly grateful just to be sitting here. A total stranger took her ability to sit free of pain away from her last night and that easily could happen to any one of us. I am grateful for my relative physical health and strength.
February 6, 2017: I am grateful to be alive. I was born on this day 34 years ago and I am grateful to be here.